Collective Exhibition

"Is darkness not precisely an anonymous experience that is by definition impenetrable, something that is not directed at us and thus can not concern us?

On the contrary, the contemporary is the person who perceives the darkness of his time as something that concerns him, as something that never ceases to engage him.

Darkness is something that -more than any light- turns directly and singularly to ward him.

The contemporary is the one whose eyes are struck by the beam of darkness that comes from his own time."  G.A.


"One day I was painting, the color black invaded the entire surface of canvas, without forms, without contrast, without transparency. In this extreme, I saw in a way the negation of the color black.

The differences in textures reflected more or less dimly the light and of the dark emanated s clarity, a pictorial emotional power of which animate my desire to paint.

My instrument was no longer the color black,
but this secret light from the color black."



26.9 à 19H au New Palace de Marseille.

Live solo concert